How Email makes the Fundraising Chairperson’s Job Easier
Email is a powerful communication tool for the fundraising chairperson; you can stay in touch with your members from the comfort of your own home! Use the following tips to stay organized and create a successful fundraiser cookbook!
- Create Buy-In With Your Group.
Use email to get the word out about your cookbook project and let them know specifically how the proceeds will be used to advance your group’s fundraising goals. Are you improving the playground at school or adding carpet to the fellowship hall at church? When your members know what your goals are, they can visualize the end result, take personal ownership of the effort, and support you by adhering to your timeline and goals.
- Set Goals for Your Group.
Decide how many recipes you would like to collect and make sure everyone knows what the expectations are. Most recipe contributors will purchase 2-3 cookbooks so the more participation you have, the more books you can order, and the more money goes into your treasury fund.
- Share Your Timeline and Important Dates.
Use our Cookbook Creation Timeline to set your important dates as you prepare your cookbook for printing. Once you’ve established deadlines for recipe submission, advertising, and artwork for your cookbook, send an email to your group and let them know what you need from them and when. Gentle reminders go a long way in keeping your project on track.
- Email important documents.
Of course you’ll want recipes from everyone in your group; after all, recipes are the heart of your cookbook! Download our Interactive Recipe Form, attach it to your email and ask for recipes to be sent back to you. We recommend you send this form to the group several times so you get the most participation.
- Provide Link to U-Type-It™ Online recipe entry software.
If you have set up an account in Cookbook Creator® to type your recipes and you’d like your contributors to enter their own recipes, create a user in Cookbook Creator® for your group members to access and send the link to them in an email. They can enter their own recipe at their convenience. (Remember, you will approve every recipe before finalizing your order, so you will have the final say!)
- Send No-Cost Ideas to Your Group.
Help motivate your key people like teachers and coaches to participate and reach goals by getting creative. For example, if your group reaches its goal for recipes or participation, the teacher or coach will do something fun with the students or provide an extra recess! Maybe your Senior Pastor would trade places with the Children’s Pastor for a day. The possibilities are endless.
- Keep the FUN in Fundraising.
Email your group with updates and progress to keep enthusiasm high. Have a bake sale and take pictures of the goodies, then make sure those recipes are included in the cookbook! Share the journey with photos and the latest happenings and get everyone excited!
- Share Updates.
Once you submit all of your materials to Cookbook Publishers for printing, let everyone know the order has been submitted. If you are planning a special event for cookbook sales, be sure to let us know so we can accommodate your request. Check our production timeline so you can make plans for holidays or other special times of the year. Continue pre-selling the cookbooks with the Advance Sale Coupons we provide and you’ll be ready for the cookbooks when they arrive.
- Extra, Extra, Read All About It!
At the end of your successful cookbook fundraiser, send an email out to your group, key influencers, or other volunteers and helpers who made your fundraiser a success. Let them know how much money was raised and that your goals were met! Use this email as a chance to thank everyone for their efforts.
- Tell us Your Success Story!
Here at Cookbook Publishers we love to hear about how you have met your fundraising goals. Drop us a line at [email protected] and let us celebrate with you!