Cookbook Publishers

Cookbook Publishers Upload

Fill out the form below and attach your artwork, photos or documents!

For Your Cookbook Design, you can upload.


Full color photos or Photoshop™ files should be saved as CMYK at 300 dpi or higher. Scan line art images at 600 dpi and save as 8-bit .TIF files. See below for more details.

Press-Ready Files

A press-ready file is any full page that we place into your book as is: covers, dividers, advertising pages, or even recipe pages. A PDF is the optimal file type. Don’t forget a 1/8″ bleed!

Special Instructions

Send us notes or special instructions. Remember: Microsoft Word documents are NOT press-ready and should only be used for simple text.

Enter your information in the spaces below, select files from your computer, and click UPLOAD ARTWORK. It’s that easy.

(Total of all files must not exceed 40MB. Consider using .zip compression.)

File Formats

File formats we accept: .pdf. .indd, .psd, .jpeg, .tif. A PDF is the easiest and most reliable way to send a file. Remember to embed all fonts and include 1/8″ bleed if your image is to extend beyond the edge of your book. We also support Adobe InDesign™ and Photoshop™ files.

Artist Release Form

If you are uploading photos for your cookbook, please make sure that you have an Artist Release form filled out for each photo.