Cookbook Publishers
A Recipe From Cookbook Publishers

A Recipe From Cookbook Publishers

Buttermilk Pecan Pancake Batter from Cookbook Publishers 2 c. all-purpose flour 3 tbs. sugar 1/2 tsp. table salt 1 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. baking soda 2 c. buttermilk 2 large eggs 1/4 c. unsalted butter, melted and cooled Chopped pecans, to distribute over...
Create a Cookbook With Love

Create a Cookbook With Love

Add a Little Love to Your Cookbook By Dawn Allman I’m almost 50 and my parents are approaching 80—so we’ve had some years together. Yet when I was home visiting them recently, my Dad told me a funny story about when he was in college that I had never heard before! It...
Mocha Coffee

Mocha Coffee

What better way to warm up these winter days than with a homemade cup of deliciousness? Enjoy one of our favorite recipes at Cookbook Publishers! 1 c. hot brewed coffee 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder 1 Tbsp. sugar 2 Tbsp. milk Whipped cream Pour hot coffee into a mug. Add cocoa...
Give the Ultimate Wedding Shower Gift

Give the Ultimate Wedding Shower Gift

As June brides begin to prepare for their weddings, you are hunting for the perfect shower gift. You want something personal, nostalgic, yet practical and useful. Give the ultimate wedding shower gift with a personalized cookbook for the bride. Create a personalized...