Cookbook Publishers Upload
Fill out the form below and attach your artwork, photos or documents!
For Your Cookbook Design, you can upload.
Full color photos or Photoshop™ files should be saved as CMYK at 300 dpi or higher. Scan line art images at 600 dpi and save as 8-bit .TIF files. See below for more details.
Press-Ready Files
A press-ready file is any full page that we place into your book as is: covers, dividers, advertising pages, or even recipe pages. A PDF is the optimal file type. Don’t forget a 1/8″ bleed!
Special Instructions
Send us notes or special instructions. Remember: Microsoft Word documents are NOT press-ready and should only be used for simple text.
(Total of all files must not exceed 40MB. Consider using .zip compression.)
File Formats
File formats we accept: .pdf. .indd, .psd, .jpeg, .tif. A PDF is the easiest and most reliable way to send a file. Remember to embed all fonts and include 1/8″ bleed if your image is to extend beyond the edge of your book. We also support Adobe InDesign™ and Photoshop™ files.
Artist Release Form
If you are uploading photos for your cookbook, please make sure that you have an Artist Release form filled out for each photo.